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Mission & Vision

Digital health technology can help prevent, track, and treat illness, and it serves as a valuable resource in helping patients and care partners manage health and recovery.  

The UW School of Nursing is committed to developing evidence-based digital health technologies and making them available to patients, especially patients who are at risk of disparities in healthcare. This commitment is at the center of the creation of the Digital Health Innovation Hub.  

In assessing the digital health interests of the UW community, our Visioning Team reached out to colleagues across the University, including faculty in UW College of Engineering, UW School of Medicine, and Foster School of Business. There was universal agreement that the campus lacks the coordinated infrastructure to speed digital-health solutions – and universal excitement at the prospect of developing a hub to move patient-centered ideas and technology forward.


Advance nurse innovation, improve health equity, and educate the next generation of nurse entrepreneurs by co-creating novel digital health solutions with the communities of users and interdisciplinary teams


Make better health available to everyone 


  1. Serve as a catalyst for ideas and scientific risk-taking in the digital health arena
  2. Bring innovators, students, and patients together to build the best, most equitable, and evidence-based health technology  
  3. Act as a learning hub for the next generation of nurse-scientists and entrepreneurs